
beef virtual learning toolbox

my american farm: all about beef

grades K-5

The "steaks" are high for farmers and ranchers who know the importance of caring for animals and the environment in the beef production process. Become a master meal builder and grocery store expert. In this fun game you'll beef up your nutrition knowledge. 

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choose My plate

grades K-12

This resource is great for all ages to build healthy food and physical activity habits. 

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at home on the range

Grades 3-5

Students will learn about rangelands by participating in a hands-on activity of growing their own grass to represent a beef or sheep ranch.


Ag in the classroom: beef basics  

Grades 3-5

Students will explain the importance of the beef cattle industry, including the products cattle produce, the production process from farm to plate, and how cattle can utilize and obtain energy from grass and other forage. 

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FCS Lesson:Beef Basics

Grades 6-8

In this lesson, students will learn how to read a meat label to determine what type and where on the animal the meat is coming from. Students will learn about the primal cuts of beef and if they are locomotion or suspension muscles.

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At home on the range

Open Range Cattle in Colorado
Grades 6-8

Students will learn about rangelands by participating in a hands-on activity to grow their own grass to represent a beef or sheep ranch. 

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Raw truth about beef

Grades 6-12

The Texas Beef Council's Raw Truth About Beef interactive learning platform allows high school students to get a behind-the-scenes look at the beef industry and explore the beef production process from pasture to plate. 

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Connect: beef production & family and consumer science

Grades 6-12

Students will learn about the beef life cycle and beef's role in a sustainable and healthy diet. 

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Food Safety lab: baked ground beef kabobs

Grades 6-12
This is a great lab for students to apply food safety skills in the kitchen with or without living and teaching in the world of COVID-19! This food safety lab can be done inside the classroom or at home.

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True beef: pasture to plate

Grades 9-12

These lessons provide the pasture to plate context for a variety of culinary techniques. 

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A Tale of two burgers: beef and plant-based protein

Grades 9-12

Students will compare the components of beef and plant-based burgers through the production, ingredients and nutritional differences. 

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Basics about beef

basics about beef booklet

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cost per serving worksheet

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crossword puzzle

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fill in the chart- histogram

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find the answers- coloring

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true or false

download worksheet

Beef Cookery 

beef cookery

24 page booklet with instructions for cooking methods

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beef cooking videos

Beef It's Whats for Dinner YouTube channel with cooking videos

Link to videos

beef nutrition resources

powerful protein

Fact sheet talking about high quality protein and its benefits.

download fact sheet

surprising facts about beef

Two-page fact sheet addressing 7 myths about lean beef.

download fact sheet

beef's top 10

List of beef's top 10 nutrients and their functions. 

download fact sheet

Grain vs grass beef

Two-page fact sheet comparing different production practices and the impact on nutrition quality. 

download fact sheet

beef cut chart

Beef cut chart with cooking methods. 

download cuts chart

protein benefits

Protein from beef has a variety of benefits as a low-calorie source of protein as compared to other sources. 

download fact sheet