Mission Statement: 

Serve North Dakota beef producers while increasing beef demandby strengthening consumer trust and exceeding consumer expectations. View an in-depth infographic explaining who we are and what we do, here.

About the Board:

The North Dakota Beef Commission is a state agency overseeing beef promotion, research and education programs funded by the assessment of $2/head from cattle changing ownership in or from North Dakota. 

In accordance to North Dakota Century Code 4. 1-03 The North Dakota Beef Commission is comprised of 9 members representing all sectors of the beef industry in the state. 

 4.1-03-02. North Dakota Beef Commission - Membership - Qualifications.

The North Dakota Beef Commission consists of:

    • Three beef producers;
    • One cattle feeder;
    • One dairy producer;
    • One representative of a public livestock market; and
    • Three at-large representatives

The governor shall appoint: 
  • Each beef producer from a list of at least two names submitted by the North Dakota stockmen's association; 
  • The cattle feeder from a list of at least two names submitted by the North Dakota stockmen's association feeder council; 
  • The dairy producer from a list of at least two names submitted by the milk producers association of North Dakota; 
  • The representative of a public livestock market from a list of at least two names submitted by the North Dakota livestock marketing association; and
  • The three at-large representatives. 

Each member of the commission must: 
  • Be a United States citizen and a resident of this state; 
  • Be actively engaged in that phase of the cattle industry the member represents; and
  • Have been actively engaged in that phase of the cattle industry for a period of five years.     

Each member of the commission, except the representative of a public livestock market, must be a participating producer. ("Participating producer" means a producer that has not obtained a refund of any assessment paid on the sale of cattle under this chapter for the preceding three years.) For purposes of this subsection, "actively engaged" means that the individual: 
  • Has an ownership interest in an operation that is of sufficient scope and significance as to constitute a distinct activity; and 
  • Has and regularly exercises direct control of the operation.


Since 1954, North Dakota beef producers have worked together and supported using beef producer funds to promote beef to consumers. Over all those years, the beef checkoff in North Dakota has had one consistent objective. That objective has always been to provide a way to collect industry funds to be used to promote beef to consumers.  This effort began with an organization known as the North Dakota Beef Council. This organization was created by the ND Stockmen's Association in 1954 and was a totally voluntary beef checkoff program beginning at a rate of $.05 per head. 

Then, 19 years later, the North Dakota Beef Commission was legislated into existence during the 1973 legislative session with an effective date of July 1, 1973. The Commission office began operation in October of 1973. The rate of the beef checkoff began at $.10 per head. It was increased to $.25 per head during the 1981 legislative session and then again to $.50 per head in the 1983 legislative session. With the passage of the national Beef Promotion and Research Act as part of the 1985 Farm Bill, the beef checkoff became a nationwide uniform program at the rate of $1 per head. This went into effect on October 1, 1986, and still exists today. 

On August 1, 2015, following a change in the state enabling legislation during the 2015 legislative session, an additional state beef checkoff of $1 was added to all cattle sold in or from North Dakota. This brought the total amount assessed each time cattle change ownership to $2 per head, one national dollar and one state dollar. Through all the years of the Beef Checkoff, whether a voluntary or legislated program, the goal was to increase consumer demand for beef.  This purpose has been adopted into a formal mission statement of the North Dakota Beef Commission.

NDBC Board Minutes: Click here